Hey Beautiful Souls and Happy New Year to you!

Today I decided to take a walk through one of my favourite spots just outside Burley in the New Forest, England and talk a little about the subject of living open hearted.

I have been think about this a lot over the last month and I honestly believe this is the key to how we help this planet ascend, by becoming a shining beacon for what humanity can be so that you may inspire others through your action.

In this video I discuss what it means to be open hearted, what can cause your heart to close and how can we remain more heart open.

This subject will also be the focus of my next workshop on Thursday January 9th (not Tuesday like I said in the video 🤣) where we will discuss ways to open and expand our heart further, and work to clear blocks that would prevent us from remaining in this state.

You can find out more about this workshop and book your space on my website here:


Sending you all lots of love
David (Team Essery) 🙏💛