Workshop Recording

A Global Transformation with Archangel Zadkiel

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery

In this Workshop we will work with Archangel Zadkiel to form our own facet of the Violet Flame in order to purify ourselves of anything that may hold us back from stepping into our master selfs, before invoking a down pouring of this incredible energy to all the souls on Earth to assist them with the individual and collective ascension journeys.

This workshop has been inspired by a recent message I received from Archangel Zadkiel. You can either listen to it in the video below or read on:

Beloved sons and daughters of the great and mighty love that knows no bounds. I wish to speak to you now of the great purifying flame that consumes all density, that imbues love, and that shall be given freely to all the children of Earth.

Yes I say, All the Children of Earth! That flame of true violet that sees all, that knows all, that loves all, flows in abundance and the time has come for an acceleration within the collective.

For you see, the children have been overcome by fear. This process of Ascension has caused great strain to all the souls, whether you may see them as awoken or not. Please recognise that they have each been on their own process, and that has pushed them to their absolute limits.

Some of these souls have recognised this opportunity and chosen the path of virtue. Others have let fear overturn their true centre and regressed into their 3D nature.

This is where I offer my assistance, unified with you my child as a great director, we shall stand together and draw down that qualifying flame into all that is, and allow its radiance to drive out the shadows, allowing those still struggling, to see with violet eyes, the opportunities that lay before them.

This shall provide a great comfort to all who receive its touch, offering clarity, release and opportunity for re-alignment to their universal truth.

Blessed be all those who receive the violet fire.

Yours in loving acceptation
Archangel Zadkiel

In order to facilitate this, we will work with Archangel Zadkiel to form our own facet of the Violet Flame for use in this session by combining our love and intent for a better world, with the Violet Ray.

Zadkiel will use this energy to assist us with a powerful personal clearing that will help bring us into alignment with our goals for 2025 as we step forward into our master selves.

We will then invoke this powerful energy for a down pouring for all the souls of Earth to assist them to release fear and realign with their true selves, ready to move forward on their own journeys. This will not only assist them individually but be a massive step forward for the collective and the global ascension.

This promises to be a beautiful and transformative experience!

In this workshop we will:

  • Work with Archangel Zadkiel to form our own facet of the Violet Flame to be used for this powerful service work
  • Receive a powerful personal clearing from Archangel Zadkiel to transform our energy
  • Work as a group to assist with a global clearing to release massive amounts of density from within the collective. Releasing fear, and allowing the people to come back to their hearts.

This workshop will be hosted live on Zoom. A recording will be available to everyone so don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recording will be just as powerful and can be watched either on YouTube (with no adverts) or downloaded to your device.