Workshop Recording

A Return to Centre

Online Workshop with David Essery

This workshop is dedicated to helping us work through our current patterns and bringing us back to our centre, to a place of peace and harmony.

As we draw ever close to the Solstice, we are facing another round of deep clearing, both for us, and the planet itself. This is preparation for a rise in vibration never before seen on Earth.

This release may be leaving many of us feeling out of phase, or even overwhelmed with the current circumstances of our lives. This is a natural part of the process, but nevertheless, can be quite uncomfortable.

As such, I have been guided to run a workshop dedicated to bringing us back to our centre, to a place of peace and harmony.

In addition, we will assist planet Earth with her clearing to assist her with the amazing transformation she is currently going through.

In this hour long workshop we will:

  • Work to release whatever is coming up for us in our own individual pathways at this time
  • Bath in the energies of peace and harmony, brining our hearts and mind back into balance
  • Assist Planet Earth with her release in preparation for the Solstice

This promises to be a peaceful and illuminating experience!