12th November
19:00 - 20:30 GMT

Collapsing the Third Dimension

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery & Tim Whild

Tim Whild and I are very excited to announce that we are coming back together again for a very special event, one that we have been awaiting for some time now, the complete shutdown of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix.

Tim Whild and I are very excited to announce that we are coming back together again for a very special event, one that we have been awaiting for some time now.

In a recent conversation with the incredible Melchizedek, the following message was channeled:

It is in recognition of your service as a guardian of the light that I stand before you today to deliver a message of hope.

Hope for a new and brighter world, one where the children of Earth are free from the manipulation of old. Able to think and act from a clear mind, able to live in alignment with the heart, in love, in unity, in oneness with all.

This is the future that lies before us my beloved. Where the people stand tall in their own power, recognising their sovereignty, ready to forge a new and beautiful world.

This is all possible. And a possibility that shall be realised sooner than you might think.

The time has come to collapse the third dimensional Mind Net of old. To dissolve it into the unified light of all those who stand in service.

Once achieved, the final remaining power that is so tightly clinged to by the old paradigm shall be gone. Try as they will after this event, there shall be no energy remaining to fuel their endeavours, and there attempts shall fall on deaf ears.

In absence of this manipulator it shall be but a short time before the children break free of its rapidly waning hold and open their eyes and their minds once again to the truth in their hearts.

In this I call you to action. Band together and unify your light to dissolve the programming of the third dimension once and for all. Be open to the Miracle that follows.

Yours in ever loving service

This is the moment we have been waiting for!

Tim and I discuss this more in our recent video which you can watch below:

When thoughts are given enough energy, they essentially become alive, continuing to grow. We experience this ourselves as Thought Forms. This is also true on a collective scale.

This is what Melchizedek has referred to as the Mind Net. This is the 3rd Dimensional Matrix as we know it. All of the energy spent over the last 10,000 years to try and control the souls of Earth, took on its own form and exists within the energy fields surrounding our planet and acts as fuel to empower the attempts of those wishing to control the people.

For sometime now, that power has been fading. As more and more souls wake up and see through the illusion and reclaim their sovereignty, its hold over the population weakens. The time has finally come to dissolve it completely.

Without this energy to support these attempts of control, it simply will not work. The long standing methods that have kept the people of Earth asleep and afraid will fail and we will be free to step forward as a united planet.

This is what we are to do during this event. To come together as a group and through our light, and the assistance of the Teams of Light, we will dissolve the Mind Net. This is truly a momentous occasion!

Melchizedek has requested that we begin this work in November as it will take some time to dissolve and it is important that this work is complete by the December Solstice so that the next phase of this ongoing ascension can continue.

In this workshop we will:

  • Discuss the impact of the 3D Matrix and the future of our planet without it
  • Work with the teams of light to dissolve the “3rd Dimensional Mind Net”
  • Replace its energy with our vision for a brighter, more beautiful, loving future
  • Be of service to the Teams of Light for whatever is needed at this time

This workshop will be hosted live on Zoom. A recording will be available to everyone so don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recording will be just as powerful and can be watched either on YouTube (with no adverts) or downloaded to your device.

Thought Forms

When our thoughts are given enough energy, they can take on a life of their own. Continuing to grow and further instilling those thoughts within us.

This is unfortunately most common when we focus on something negative, for instance a fear. If we think on this fear often enough, and give it enough energy through our emotions, it can become a thought form, taking on its own life and living within our energetic systems, continuing to perpetuate that fear.

This is why taking control of our energy is so important to ensure we are of clear mind.

Thought forms can be easily dissolved by channeling high frequency light into them, such as the Christ Light.


A contained area of energy that sustains specific conditions of existence that only change outside of the boundaries of the Matrix. Most souls inside of a Matrix have no real idea what is outside as their ‘world’ is complete.


The inalienable rights of a human soul in physical form that adheres to spiritual laws as opposed to the laws of man.


A state of vibration achieved through moving from the ego to the heart. Our own ascension process is occurring on Earth now and began on the 21st December 2012.