Crystalline Light – Preparations for the Great Shift
Online Workshop with David Essery
In this workshop we will journey to the Planes of Amenti with Melchizedek to receive a massive Crystalline Light Body upgrade. This promises to be a powerful download to assist us to flow with the coming shifts on planet Earth.
The following is a channeled message from Melchizedek:
The great recall is about to begin. A time when those few truly committed souls who have worked so hard since the beginning to increase their light shall reap the rewards of their efforts.
For this to take place, these adepts must be prepared; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Of course they have trained for this for some time, but what is to come is of a new order, a frequency that has not yet been held for more than a brief period, and yet this is to become the normal. This is why there has been such a drive for the initiates to release. To create space for more light, to ensure that which is opposed to this new wave does not cause disharmony when the two energies meet.
This preparation is well underway but greater achievement can always be made when directed by the conscious mind. This is why we offer an opportunity to actively prepare.
Within the great Planes of Amenti, a new body awaits you. One constructed of pure crystalline light and specifically designed for those who wish to harmonise with this jump shift at the highest level. This crystalline structure has been crafted just for you and is ready for your receipt.
Join us my beloved, in the great temple to receive this gift and be blessed with a light body upgrade never before seen on the mother planet.
Yours in divine reverence
You can hear me read this message and discuss it in more detail in my video here:
To help facilitate this incredible shift, I will be running a workshop to journey to the Planes of Amenti with Melchizedek to receive a massive Crystalline Light Body upgrade. This promises to be a powerful download to assist us to flow with the coming shifts on planet Earth.
In this hour and a half long workshop, we will:
- Journey to the Planes of Amenti with Melchizedek
- Receive a full Energetic System Purification to help prepare for the great shift
- Accept and fully integrate our new Cystaline Light Body allowing us to harmonise with new 6th Dimensional Energy entering our planet very soon
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