December Solstice 2024
Online Workshop with David Essery & TIm Whild
Tim Whild and I are very excited to return once again to deliver a workshop on the December Solstice where we will work with the teams of light for whatever is required for the ascension of Planet Earth.
As we move through a period of heightened acceleration, flowing from one gateway to another, dismantling the old and laying the foundation for the new, we find ourselves blessed with infinite possibilities.
The Solstice is always one of the most transformative gateways of the year. Whether you celebrate the Winter or the Summer, the light that pours down upon the Earth in abundance is a blessing to all.
Tim and I got together earlier today to film a video where we discuss the current energies and the incredible opportunities that this Solstice is bringing. Never before have we experienced one quite like this, free from the density of the 3rd dimension and we have an incredible opportunity for rapid progression. You can watch this video here:
In addition, this year the beloved Melchizedek has shared a message with us about what is to take place at this years Solstice. You can either hear the message in the video below or continue on to read it:
The great gateway is upon us. As the year draws to a close, the December solstice always ushers in the completion of the year’s events, culminating in a transformative period for the beloved mother and all her children.
To say this year will be no exception shall be a great understatement. For this year brings the first such period without the density of the third dimension hindering our process.
The proverbial shackles have been shed and opportunity awaits for great change to occur.
In this occasion we wish to draw your attention back to the inner sun which expanded at the Lions Gateway, offering its radiance to all the children of Earth.
It is to withdraw once again but not to fade away from your perception. Instead it is to be compressed much like a deposit of carbon would do within the Earth where applied force alchemises into the gleaming Diamond that it is.
As it does so, it shall compact its full radiance into a burning star, highly actualised and operating a frequency never before available on planet Earth.
This shall become an ever burning furnace, empowering your mighty planet and radiating the hearts of all of its children.
No longer shall the beloved mother rely on external influence to power her transformation for she shall hold within her more light than she shall ever need. Her very own radiant solar plexus granting vitality to all.
This is just the beginning, praise be what Glory lies ahead.
Yours in divine service
This is quite a transformation that Melchizedek is speaking of, and one that will bring big energetic shifts to all of us. As ever we will stand at the ready to assist the teams of light.
In this workshop we will:
- Discuss the energies of 2024 and what the next year might bring
- Receive and integrate the powerful light of the Solstice
- Assist the teams of light with a transformation of the Inner Sun that will empower the Ascension Process for us both individually and as a planet
- Assist with a global heart activation ushering in a new era of peace
- Be of service to the teams of light however is required
This workshop will be hosted live on Zoom. A recording will be available to everyone so don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recording will be just as powerful and can be watched either on YouTube (with no adverts) or downloaded to your device.
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