Workshop Recording

Embodying Love Through the Higher Heart Chakra

Online Workshop with David Esssery

By working with the Higher Heart Chakra, and activating it at the highest level, we can overcome the challenges of modern life and move into a state of Love, while still maintaining the mental focus required for day to day life on planet Earth. And that is just what we will do!

Unconditional Love is the ultimate goal of Ascension. When everyone on planet Earth has learnt this lesson and is able to embody it, the world will never be the same again. For those of us on the path, this isn’t new information, we all know it, but actually achieving it for more than a short period at a time, is incredibly difficult.

Modern life bombards us with information, which requires mental processing, and ultimately distracts us away from our hearts, which is where we want to be. So how can move through this?

The key as with so many things is to find a balance between the heart and the mind. But luckily the teams of light saw this and gave us an incredible tool to help us do just that!

At the Lion’s Gate in 2021, the Thymus, or Higher Heart chakra was replaced with a new much higher vibrational version for everyone on planet earth. In the words of Universal Angel Mary:

“When you activate your Thymus Chakra at a 5th dimensional frequency divine alchemy takes place and the golden wisdom of your thoughts merge with the aquamarine light of your thymus to manifest a state of equilibrium, a perfect balance between your heart and mind.”

By working with this Chakra, and activating it at the highest level, we can overcome the challenges of modern life and move into a state of Love, while still maintaining the mental focus required for day to day life on planet Earth. And that is just what we will do!

In this workshop we will:

  • Learn about the Higher Heart Chakra and how it can help stay in our Heart Centre’s and Radiate Love
  • Activate this Chakra at the highest possible frequency
  • Work to clear blocks from our energetic systems that would prevent us from embodying love
  • Assist the teams of light in a planet wide activation of the Higher Heart chakra to assist in the ascension of Planet Earth.

This workshop will be broadcast live on YouTube. Everyone will also receive a copy of the recording so don’t worry if you can’t join us live. The recording is just as powerful as the live event!

The price for this workshop is £11, to book your place, please complete the form below.