Workshop Recording

Healing the Physical with Archangel Raphael

Online Workshop with David Essery

Join Archangel Raphael on a journey to the higher realms to reignite the spark of perfection into your physical body.

The following is a channeled message from Archangel Raphael:

Greetings my most beloved. It is with great joy that I join you today with an opportunity for divine perfection.

This perfection of course is you. It flows through every atom of your being.

It is however with great sadness that we see the souls of Earth deny this perfection and as a result the physical body falls out of alignment, leading to its eventual malfunction.

I wish to take you on a journey, to bring you to my healing retreat where I will remind you of this perfection, and re-ignite its spark within you.

From here we can visit my healing chambers and work to restore your physical vessel back to its natural state of perfection.

Join me my beloved as we travel to the higher realms for a most enlightening experience.

Yours in great anticipation
Archangel Raphael

I read this message and discuss it more in my video here:

I am so excited to be your guide as we connect with Archangel Raphael for this journey. In this hour long workshop we will:

  • Travel with Archangel Raphael to his retreat in the higher realms
  • Receive a download of the divine image for perfect physical health from Archangel Raphael
  • Receive healing from Archangel Raphael in his dedicated healing chambers

This promises to be a beautiful journey of love, peace and healing.