24th October
19:00 - 20:00 BST (GMT +1)

Healing the Planetary Timeline

Online Workshop with David Essery

In this workshop we will work with Lord Voosloo and the Teams of Light to clear the timeline of the planet, releasing old negative energies and karma, and allowing her to raise her vibration, assisting everyone who is inhabited here.

Clearing the energy of our past is of the upmost importance at this time. Just last month Lord Voosloo stepped forward to discuss the importance of healing our own energetic timeline. He has returned once again to discuss the energy of our beautiful planet. This is what he said:

Life on Earth has existed for millennia, long before many of the scholars of Earth believe possible.

This history has included peace, beauty, light, love and wisdom, but it has also experienced harshness, pain and war.

The energy of all this lingers on within the energetic timeline of this beautiful planet.

Just as you go through your own process of clearing throughout this ascension, so too does the Earth.

This is seen around the world in many formats, but one so common is the severe weather conditions that have increased in occurrence throughout this process. This is the planets way of clearing old energy.

However there are other ways. With the conscious direction of the light workers of Earth, it is possible to clear the planetary timeline, just as you have done for yourself, releasing the energy, and therefore the need for more physical manifestations.

Should you wish to assist in this regard, call on me, and we shall stand side by side, ready to be of service.

Yours in loving support
Lord Voosloo

This message has inspired me to run a workshop where we can work with Lord Voosloo and the teams of light to assist this planet to clear the events of its past, further raising the vibration of our planet and assisting everyone who is inhabited here.

I have also been guided to do some personal clearing in relation to the planet. We have each had countless lifetimes on planet Earth and in each one, a part of our energy has remained behind, still tied to us in this lifetime. We will work to clear our own energy left on this planet throughout time ensuring that it does not impact us in this life.

In this workshop we will:

  • Work with Lord Voosloo to clear any lower density or karma from planet Earth ready for release
  • Clear our own energetic debris left around the planet from past lives
  • Assist the teams of light however possible during this important time

This workshop will be hosted live on Zoom. A recording will be available to everyone so don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recording will be just as powerful and can be watched either on YouTube (with no adverts) or downloaded to your device.