Workshop Recording

Lions Gate 2024 – The Inner Sun Expansion

Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

Join David Essery and Tim Whild this Lions Gate where Melchizedek will be our guide as we travel to the Lemurian City to witness the incredible expansion of this “Light Core” which will share its light with all the souls of Earth, beginning a reawakening for all.

Every year our world aligns with Sirius and the Galactic Core during the transit of Leo. This begins in late July and concludes in the 3rd week of august, providing the most powerful spiritual date on the yearly calendar. The 8/8 Portal is the peak of all the energies that we receive and a period where light is put into action.

This year, we enter the Lions Gate at an incredible time in the history of Planet Earth.

We have just experienced a huge energetic shift at the June Solstice which has propelled our planet forward into the 6th dimension, enacting a series of events which will change our world forever.

This Lions Gate is the next major event in this cycle and shifts are in motion that will begin the great awakening within the masses of Earth.

More information about this coming shift was channeled in a message by David from Melchizedek. You can hear it in the recent video David and Tim did together or read on below:

Beloved souls of the light. The light of the great Sirius Alignment draws close.

With it a massive expansion is to take place which will offer all of the children of Earth a glimpse into the truth that resides at the core of their being.

They are love.

This simple act shall trigger a remembrance within the sleeping masses that will open the floodgates into a return to divinity.

This is no small task. To say nothing of this scale has ever happened before would be an understatement but this is the way it is to be.

We have been preparing for this moment for some time and only the final expansion waits.

This is not to say that the children shall awaken the next day as fully actualised God Free beings, but it is to be the catalyst that reignites the flame that lights the way home.

This alone is a truly momentous occasion.

All of this is possible due to the tireless efforts of you beautiful souls who have dedicated yourselves to the path of service and held the light through the toughest circumstances so that love can prevail.

This expansion is led by your sisters and brothers the Lemurian’s who as we speak prepare the Light Core for its coming growth which is to be triggered by your fellow incarnates weeks prior.

Once fully activated the inner sun will spread its light, engulfing the planets physical dimensions and embracing all of those who inhabit her.

This expansion will bring light to all. Through its presence truth springs eternal.

This is the moment you have so along awaited, as a guardian of that truth, you shall be called to service. To step forward and assist all those in need to find their way home to their inner light.

Praise be my beloved, for purity awaits.

Yours in ever loving service

The inner sun he refers to is the Agarthan Sun that lives at the centre of Hollow Earth, directly above the great Lemurian City of Telos. If you joined Tim and and David for our Lions Gate workshop in 2022, you may well remember working with it.

On July 25th, Melchizedek guided us on a Journey to the the City of Telos to begin the activation of the Light Core in preparation for this event on the Lions Gate. This is what Melchizedek refers to when he mentions the Light Core’s growth being triggered weeks prior. You can hear a recap of what happened here.

Melchizedek will be our guide once again for this Lions Gate workshop where we travel to the Lemurian City to witness the incredible expansion of this “Light Core” which will share its light with all the souls of Earth, beginning a reawakening for all.

For those still sleeping, they shall be reminded of their truth, of their origins as a physical manifestation of love. For those of us already on the path, we shall receive a light body activation of the highest level, re-enacting our master self in preparation to assist the newly awoken souls of Earth.

The Lions Gate is always a transformative experience and this year will definitely be one to remember!

In this workshop we will:

  • Travel to the City of Telos to witness the expansion of the Agarthan Sun
  • Assist the teams of light with the re-awakening of all the souls of Earth
  • Receive a powerful download of the Lions Gate energy re-enacting your divine blueprint of mastery
  • Be of service however is needed during this time of powerful integration