Workshop Recording

Meet Your Team of Light

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery

This workshop is dedicated to meeting your team of light who always have and will continue to guide you throughout this lifetime. It will be an opportunity to learn from them, to hear their guidance, and to give thanks for all they do.

Every soul born on Earth brings with them a support team to guide them on their journey.

They are there for all the moments in our lives, the good, the bad, the challenges, the initiations. They give us their love unconditionally, their support, their guidance, their wisdom and so much more.

This is true for every single soul on Earth whether they are consciously aware or not.

Even some of the most intuitive of people spend their entire lives in constant communication with them, yet never consciously acknowledging them.

Doing so however can be a profound experience. It is like discovering a living family member you never knew existed.

Every soul has within their team their own dedicated Angel who is with them from the moment the soul enters the physical body until the moment it leaves. This incredible being’s soul purpose is to be of service to you, to love you, to guide you, to support you on your pathway.

We each have one or more spirit guides. These are souls who have lived in physical incarnation and moved on. They are not ascended but do have valuable wisdom that can help us on our path. These guides can sometimes stay for your whole lifetime, or leave once you no longer require their help, making room for another to enter.

Shortly after the Ascension Process began, the Unicorns returned to planet Earth and every person was assigned their own Unicorn. These beautiful energetic beings are here to help hold our light for us, to guide us and assist us through the ascension journey.

Many of us also have a personal dragon who is here to assist us to operate through the density of life in physical. If you have not been assigned one yet, you will have the opportunity to do so.

This workshop is dedicated to meeting these incredible beings who have and will continue to guide us throughout this lifetime. It will be an opportunity to learn from them, to hear their guidance, and to give thanks for all they do.

This promises to be a beautiful and loving experience.

In this workshop we will:

  • Meet our guardian Angel
  • Meet one of our Spirit Guides
  • Meet our Unicorn
  • Meet our Dragon, or welcome one in!