Unify Your Light – Preparations for the New Age
Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery
Melchizedek will be our guide to help unify, purify and amplify our light and realign our selves at the highest level possible so that we may move forward feeling more grounded and whole. We will then turn our attention to the planet and assist to purify her energy at a deep level to assist her to fulfil her role in the coming changes.
As we move into November we are stepping into a new gateway of energy which is to bring about one of the biggest shifts this planet has seen in the last 10,000 years. As this occurs we are being called to step into action as the last 12 years of preparations culminate and we step forward as our master self to lead this world into a new age.
The beloved Melchizedek has stepped through to offer his assistance to help prepare us, and our planet for this momentous shift. The following is a message channeled directly from him:
Beloved souls, it is a time of great action. Where decisions are being made that affect the trajectory of this planet. And so it is true that the direction is set, the light shall prevail and there is no turning back. There are however billions of realities converging and diverging as each soul decides the path they wish to walk into the new world.
As a bearer of the light, as a way shower, and a sovereign being, it is within your power to direct change within the microcosm and the macrocosm that is reflected in all those around you.
As you step through a gateway of unprecedented proportion, you can stand as a guiding light to lead these souls still wavering to the shores of a bountiful ocean of possibilities.
In this role you must be prepared, both physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically steadfast within your own biosphere.
The task I bestow upon you is to prepare yourself, and your world for this coming shift. Unify your light, ignite the flame within and direct it to purify all that stands opposed.
In this state you hold tremendous power. One that shall cement the forces of forward motion in a way that naught shall detain it.
This is my guidance to you
Yours in divine might
This is an incredible opportunity for us stand tall and demonstrate all that we have worked so hard towards throughout this ascension process. To raise our vibration and that of all around us, to assist our sisters and brothers as they take a giant leap forwards, to assist our planet as we move into the next phase of this process free from the density of the past, ready to build anew.
Melchizedek will be our guide to help unify, purify and amplify our light as we dust of the energetic debris after an intense period of clearing, and realign our selves at the highest level possible. This will bring a much needed energetic reset to each of us so that we may move forward feeling more grounded and whole.
We will then turn our attention to the planet and assist to purify her energy at a deep level to assist her to fulfil her role in the coming changes.
This promises to be a truly enlightening experience!
In this workshop we will:
- Work to purify and recalibrate our energy helping us to feel more present, grounded and complete
- Recall any parts of ourselves that have been lost and ready to return
- Assist to purify the planet at a deep level to assist her through the coming phase
- Assist the teams of light however required in preparation for November
Ascension Process
This is the process that we go through when we begin to raise our vibration and start the transformation from 3D to 5D.
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