Hey Beautiful Souls
I received some important information this week about some upgrades that are currently underway for the Alta Major chakra.
This chakra has played a crucial role in our ascension process so far, and going all the way back to the times of Atlantis.
With the collapse of the 3rd dimension, it will no longer fulfil its role of limitation anchoring us into that matrix. Instead it has begun to shift into its future role as a critical axis point between the Third Eye and Alta Major assisting us to express and to understand with intuition and conviction.
In this video, I discuss the role it has performed throughout our history and share a message from Sanat Kumara about its future.
Sending you all lots of love
David (Team Essery) 🙏💛
Read the Transcript
Hey beautiful souls. I was preparing a few days ago to channel a message like I regularly do, and the first thing I always do is to prepare my energy. I do my chakras, I clear my four body system, I call in a few certain energies in order to support me in the work that I do, so I’m ensuring I’m doing it at the highest possible frequency.
As I was running through my chakras as normal, I got to my Alta Major, which is right at the back of the head, and it was like alarm bells were going off, and I was like, ooh, what’s going on here? So I instantly grabbed a pen and paper and tuned in to what was going on there and Sanat Kamara came through, who’s been showing up for me quite a lot of late actually, with a message that I’d like to share with you guys today.
This is what he had to say about the Alta Major Chakra.
Please, my child, draw your attention to the Alta Major at the back of the head. We stand at the hour of its transformation, as the final remnants of its old blueprint are dissolved. No longer must it function as a facilitator of the great experiment.
For its role has been fulfilled. Now it shall embrace its golden future as an architect of the sixth dimensional age. It is to be rebirthed within each and every one on earth. The duration of this process shall differ from one to another, but its commencement is guaranteed in all.
In its new golden form, it shall act as a shining beacon of sixth dimensional communication, supporting the psychic gifts of the throat and third eyes, assisting the initiates to express and understand with intuition and conviction.
This shall be a crucial role of the new age you are to build. No longer shall deception and distraction become the narrative of the people.
Instead, truth and love shall become the language that shall define a united world. One where all can come together in harmony and unity for the good of all. This is the future that awaits you.
In loving wisdom,
Sanat Kumara.
So I would like to talk a little bit more about the Alta Major, and then we’re going to break this message down a little bit. The Alta Major has been a very well known chakra for a long time, thousands of years in fact, it’s not something new, but it was never actually a part of the seven third dimensional chakras that we were working with prior to 2012.
The truth is we have lots of chakras. Essentially all a chakra is, is a vortex.point within our energetic systems where multiple energy lines cross. When the energies come together into a convergence in these places, it creates a chakra. We have them in our hands, we’ve got them in our ears, in our eyes, we’ve got them everywhere.
But really we only work with a small set. We were working with the seven third dimensional chakras prior to the beginning of the ascension process. Then in I believe it was 2014 the 12 5th dimensional chakras came online where five new chakras where added to this column and the frequency of all of them changed massively.
The roles of them changed in some instances the colours along with it. This is because colour is essentially vibration, it’s frequency and so as the frequency of something changes, the colour can change with it. Even the chakras that are kind of the same colour as before, they’re not exactly the same colour. For instance, you can have white and off white, they are similar but the vibration is so much higher.
And then, of course, we moved through the solstice in June this year, and we had an incredible frequency jump, and they’re now moving towards the sixth dimension. On top of that, in the last couple of years we’ve had another additional three chakras come online, first at a fifth dimensional blueprint and now obviously into the sixth.
Now one of these three chakras that came online and joined the fifth dimensional set to create the fifteen chakras was the Alta Major. And the reason why this was upgraded, in fact why all of these upgrades are happening including; the new chakras, changes to our energetic systems, upgrades to our pathways etc. are all part of the ongoing process of this ascension.
So, essentially, our planet, our beautiful Mother Earth, began her ascension in 2012, at which point her vibration started increasing rapidly and this is her ascension process. She’s going up and up and up. And because we are inhabiting her, we have no choice but to kind of try and keep up with her, that’s essentially what we’re doing.
As she goes up in vibration, so do we. And our energetic systems have had to change in order to accommodate the vibration that we’re at. We wouldn’t be able to operate very well at all if we were still using the very, very limited seven third dimensional chakras. The vibration that we’re at now is well above that.
We are even above where we were in Atlantis, for instance. It’s truly incredible the level that we’re operating at. And that can be hard to understand really because in Atlantis we were essentially ascended masters. People could teleport, they could levitate. The healing technologies were out of this world, like something out of science fiction. Truly incredible.
But the primary reason for that wasn’t so much about the vibration of the planet that they were on or anything like that. It was the mind. They grew up in a society where their psychic gifts were encouraged and they were taught from a very, very young age.
They weren’t taught of limitation like so many of us are from a young age, picking up density and carrying things from past lifetimes, from all the experiences that have that make us feel unworthy. They were fully, fully actualised and they had complete and utter belief because it was never questioned, it’s just the way it was.
That made them capable of incredible things. This of course mean that when we can overcome these limitations, we are also capable of incredible things. In Atlantis, they were working with the 12 5th dimensional chakras, like we were up until very recently.
But before that, we were using the 7th and 3rd dimensional chakras. And essentially, what happened at the fall of Atlantis, just over 10,000 years ago now was what we refer to as an experiment. It was the first time that we really took physical form on planet Earth. And it was an experiment to see the frequency in which that they could hold, whether they could maintain that fifth dimensional loving vibration while still in a physical body.
Before that, in Lemuria, for instance, they were more energetic beings. The Atlantis experiment came to an end and a new experiment began. One, basically, that’s been running for 10,000 years, and that actually ended on December 21st in 2012. The Cosmic Moment as it’s often referred to and that was technically the end of the Atlantean experiment or at least the final phase and the beginning of the ascension process. But this 10,000 year window was about trying to see how we could live in a physical form, disconnected from source.
So to be at the third dimension is actually about being disconnected from source. And the Atlanteans that were still around when that transition ended, when Atlantis fell, they went all around the world. There’s people, they went to Egypt, they went to Greece, they went to South America, they went all over the place, which is why the knowledge that we have from these societies is mimicked all around the world and why there’s all these incredible stories of essentially gods in all of these different places, because they were, they were Atlanteans, they were ascended beings, essentially.
Because they were taking this more limited form, they had agreed to go through this 10,000 year experiment to be disconnected, the Atlanteans actually shut down a lot of their systems. They moved to the third dimensional chakras, the throats were shut down because the throats were so unbelievably powerful.
So they began the the phase of living in limitation. And of course all of the generations since then have been living at that same level of limitation. Working with the seven third dimensional chakras as it was, which really didn’t disconnect us from source, that is not really the right word because if you can’t disconnect from God. Because we are, God, we wouldn’t exist without that.
When that experiment ended in 2012, we began this ascension process and what we’re in now, essentially, is that return to this connected state. And throughout this period, one of the major functions of the Alta Major chakra was it actually connected us into the third dimensional systems on planet Earth.
We’ve talked a lot on here in the past about the third dimensional matrix or the construct or whatever you want to call it, which was essentially the energetic system that was created by 3D by the all of the thoughts and feelings of greed and control and all of the negative aspects that ruled our societies for 10,000 years took on its own life.
It was its own energetic form. And actually the Alta Major connected us all directly into this energetic system. And this was kind of part of the process. It’s part of being limited as we were all plugged into the 3D world. And one of the major things that happens when we each begin our own awakening process, is the Alta Major begins to disconnect from that matrix. And with that disconnection, we then begin to be able to think for ourselves a little bit more. That’s why a classic part of the awakening process is starting to see through the nonsense in the news and all the different things that they try to make us believe.
We start to wake up and go, hang on a minute, I know that’s not right. I’m not believing that. That’s not my reality. And so the awakening begins. And that’s what we’re seeing around the world on a really mass level right now. This really started in 2020, the year that Tim Whild and I were both referring to as the year of the Alta Major.
Of course it’s when all of the lockdowns started happening and and all of that stuff around the world and we kind of reached a peak in what the third dimensional matrix was doing and it was so obvious the falsehoods in so much of it. And that process triggered an awakening in a huge, huge number of people around the world and began a disconnection of that Alta Major.
And as a species, we came a really long way in that year in terms of developing the Alta Major, beginning to shut down those old connections and raising its vibration. We began the establishment of of a fifth dimensional unity consciousness, which is essentially what’s going to replace those old connections.
It’s a much higher frequency network of energy that we are all plugged into, all of those that are awake and using that chakra, and this will allow us to operate as one species from the highest perspective for the good of all. It’s going to become a really powerful and positive connection that’s going to play a major role in the future of this planet as things start to unravel.
So we went through massive, massive shifts with the Alta Major. Now, of course, We stand here now in December 2024 and last month a lot of us came together, united our energies for the collapsing of the third dimensional matrix. Essentially this construct, this matrix that I was discussing earlier, that was a energetic collection of all of those negative aspects of our society, that was a field of energy that surrounded our planet. And we Dissolved it. The final remnants of it are just kind of clearing away now, and we’re starting to see reflections of this in our world.
Melchizedek said at the time, that doesn’t mean that the current control systems on this planet are going to stop playing their games, but just that people won’t be listening to it, more and more people are going to begin that awakening.
And because of that, they’re going to see through it because it doesn’t have the energy that it had before, because that’s what the construct was doing. It was fuelling all of their endeavours.
So really, we did that work in November, in last month, to collapse that third dimensional matrix. And of course, with that gone, the Alta Major doesn’t have a point to anchor into anymore. And that, of course, brings massive shifts. And this is really what Sanat Kumara’s message was all about.
So I just want to dive into this a little bit more and talk about what it was that he was saying. So he said, “we stand at the hour of its transformation as the final remnants of its blueprint are dissolved. No longer must it function as a facilitator of the great experiment, for its role has been fulfilled”.
Essentially, its role was there to support the great experiment, the last 10,000 years since Atlantis, its role was to limit our connection, to keep us anchored into that third dimensional matrix. And now that blueprint is being dissolved, It’s free to shift its energy.
He said, now it should“embrace its golden future as an architect of the sixth dimensional age. It is to be rebirthed within each and every one on earth. The duration of this process shall differ from one to another, but its commencement is guaranteed in all.” So Basically, it’s downloading a new sixth dimensional blueprint at the moment, it’s undergoing this massive shift, and this is going to be the case for absolutely every single person on the planet, whether they are awake or not, whether they’re spiritual or not, everybody is going to go through this process and it’s already begun.
It may be that some of us that are actively working with our Chakras are going to move through this and upgrade it much quicker than others, but at the process is underway.
He says in “its new golden form”. I don’t know specifically if he’s saying that it’s going to change to gold so the actual chakra is going to become gold coloured or if he’s referring to that as in how we talk about the golden age. That doesn’t mean our planet is literally going to turn to gold. It’s because gold is considered incredibly high frequency so it’s a descriptive term. I’m not sure yet anyway quite what how he’s referring to that.
But he says “in its new golden form, she will act as a shining beacon of sixth dimensional communication, supporting the psychic gifts of the throat and third eyes, assisting the initiates to express and to understand with intuition and conviction.” And this is the bit that I find really, really interesting.
So, Back in Atlantis, for instance, because they were such highly spiritually evolved beings, they actually communicated most of the time through telepathy. Everyone could read each other’s thoughts, so they could simply communicate on that wavelength without ever actually having to speak. The voice was so highly regarded, they had such an understanding of the voice and the power of sound was so profound that they saved speaking with their voices for really special work, for healing, for saying things that were really, really important. Most of the time, the communication was psychic.
And I’ve always thought that this was our future. Right now, the idea of everyone being able to read each other’s minds sounds horrifying, because we’ve all got our own secrets and individual stories that run inside our heads. But at a point that we get to where we are that evolved, that we’ve let go of our shadow selves, and we really have nothing to hide, that is the future of our communication.
So this is what he’s saying, that at a sixth dimensional level, the Alta Major, is to support the third eye in our psychic abilities and the throat in how we communicate. And that is going to allow us to, as he says, “assisting the initiates to express and to understand with intuition and conviction”, to speak with truth, to understand, to hear intuitively.
He says “this should be a crucial role of the new age you are to build. No longer shall deception and distraction become the narrative of the people. Essentially how we have been under the third dimension. Instead, truth and love should become the language that define a united world, one where all can come together in harmony and unity for the good of all. This is the future that awaits you.”
The fact that we’re seeing these shifts happening now is just a clear indication of how far we’ve come on this process. Without that density of the third dimension holding us back. It’s like the shackles have been taken off and this is just the beginning. This is, for me anyway, really exciting stuff.
I love seeing the shifts and the progression of the process. I can’t wait to see where this goes. I can’t wait to see if it does become gold. I can’t wait to see how that begins to affect throat how it affects the third eye. And that’s not to say that this is going to be a quick transition, as I say that mass disconnection of the Alta Major really kind of hit its peak in 2020.
We’re here now, four years later, so it might not necessarily be a quick evolution of the Alta Major, but it is happening.