Hey Beautiful Souls

Today I wanted to share a video to talk more about the team of support you have around you, who love you unconditionally and offer you there wisdom and guidance on a daily basis.

If you would like to join me for my workshop to meet your team of light, you can find out more and book a place on my website here:


Sending you all lots of love
David (Team Essery) 🙏💛


You can find out more about me and how to support the channel on my LinkTree here: https://linktr.ee/newmoonart


00:00 Introduction
02:44 Your Angel
05:31 Your Spirit Guides
09:04 Dragons & Unicrons
10:11 Unicrons
12:43 Dragons
15:07 Overlighting
16:59 Meet Your Team of Light

spirituality spiritualawakening ascensionprocess ascendedmaster angel angels dragons unicron #spiritguides


An angel is a spiritual being with its own level of evolution that has come from the heart of God. An angel has no ego and wishes only to serve in its chosen capacity. They are often perceived as a beautiful winged soul shining with light.


A dragon is an etheric, heart based being that is from the same cosmic evolution as an angel. Dragons come in all shapes and sizes, vibration and from all around the Cosmos.