Workshop Recording

Discover Your Truth

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery

Join me on a journey of self discovery as we meet our truest self and learn what is to truly accept and love ourselves.

The path to ascension is a complex one, filled with many challenges and lessons to be learned. There is one however that is often the most difficult, but yet when achieved can bring massive shifts to your life. Seemingly simple but often hard to discover. What is your truth?

By this I mean, who are you? Not who were you in a past life, or what are you meant to do in this one? But who are you? What is it that makes you the incredible soul that you are?

Of course it is true that we all share in one singular truth that unites us as sisters and brothers, we are all Love, we are all God.

But if this is all that we are, we would all be the same. However, that is not the case, we are each blessed with our own individuality that makes us the beautiful souls we are.

Discovering who we are at our core is essential to understanding ourselves, to accepting ourselves, and ultimately, loving ourselves.

Once we are able to love ourselves, truly and wholly, so many of the barriers to life, to love, to ascension, simply melt away.

To understand our own individual truth is the gateway to love.

Join Merlin and myself on a journey of self discovery as we meet our truest self and learn what is to truly accept and love ourselves.

You can find out more about this, and hear a message directly from Merlin about the importance of this work in my recent here:

In this workshop we will:

  • Work with the higher teams of light to meet our true self
  • Learn who we are at a soul level
  • Work to release any blocks to accepting and loving ourselves
  • Anchor this highest aspect of ourselves into the physical

This promises to be a profound experience.

This workshop will be hosted live on Zoom. A recording will be available to everyone so don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recording will be just as powerful and can be watched either on YouTube (with no adverts) or downloaded to your device.

I can’t way to share this with you!