Workshop Recording

Healing Your Timeline

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery

In this workshop we will take control of our timeline. Healing the emotions of the past, anchoring ourselves within the present moment, in flow with divine order and creating a powerful vision for our future to manifest a new, brighter and more beautiful world around us.

The events of our past and our vision for the future play a massive role in defining who we are as an individual.

Learning to heal our past, and no longer allowing it to determine our future can bring massive shifts to our life.

This workshop was inspired by a message channeled from Lord Voosloo about the importance of taking control of our timeline. You can either watch it in the following video or read on below:

Today is a day of great transformation for it is the beginning of a new world as we know it.

Gone are the days of shadow, all that remains is energetic debris.

Tomorrow is a day of great transformation for it has not yet been written, and all things are possible.

What you make of this incredible time in the history of the universe is of your making. To determine not only what you wish to do in this world, but who do you want to be.

Where you choose to direct your energy determines the outcomes of this moment in time.

When we view time in this manner, we begin to see the importance of each and every passing day.

For they pass in the blink of an eye, never to return again.

Once in the past, it lives on, only in our memories. The choice is yours in how you wish to remember it. The choice is yours in how you let it affect this present moment.

Why do I tell you this? I do so to enable you to take ownership of your timeline. To reconfigure your idea of the past, to make most of the present, and to manifest in the future.

These tools will offer all that is required to take full control of your life, to step into the person you wish to be, to live in the world you wish to create.

Yours in ever loving light
Lord Voosloo

Healing our Timeline will be the focus of this workshop.

To help us to heal our memories of the past in a detached and pain free manner, so that we may release the emotion attached and no longer allow it to determine the course of our lives.

To help us to focus our energy in the present moment, free of the past, so that we can live our life’s in balance with the flow of the universe.

To use this positive momentum to refocus our vision for the future, creating the world that we wish to live in.

Lord Voosloo will be our guide as we embark on this powerful journey.

In this workshop we will:

  • Work to release the emotion attached to the events of our past
  • Anchor ourselves within the present moment, in flow with divine order to make the most of each day of our lives
  • Establish a new vision for our future so that we may manifest a brighter and more beautiful world around us

This promises to be a transformative experience!