Workshop Recording

The Gift of Restoration

Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery

In this workshop we will deeply integrate and attune to Ascended Master Archibald’s powerful Restoration energy in order to restore us back to and reintegrate our Divine Goldprint on a cellular level. 

There is no doubt that Ascension has been incredibly challenging for everyone involved. 

In many cases, this process has involved breaking us down so that we can truly examine what lies within and illuminating it. This has taken its toll and it is perfectly normal to feel exhausted with the situation. 

The teams of light recognise this and the incredible Ascended Master Archibald has stepped forward in order to offer us the Gift of Restoration. In this workshop we will deeply integrate and attune to this energy in order to restore us back to and reintegrate our Divine Goldprint on a cellular level. 

Find out more and connect with this incredible energy in this short video:

In this powerful workshop recording we will:

  • Be introduced to Ascended Master Archibald 
  • Receive an integration to the beautiful restoration energy that flows through him 
  • Channel this powerful healing energy into every cell of our being
  • Heal Mother Earth using this incredible energy

In this workshop, we will be working with my latest artwork, The Restoration Flame.

The price for this recording is £11. To purchase it, please complete the form below: