Calming the Ascension Nervous System
Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild
This workshop is dedicated to our human process and to the healing/calming of the nervous system so that we can embrace our mission with open arms. Both David and Tim have extensive experience with the new energies and how they are affecting our bodies.
2023 is the first year of the second half of the twenty-year shift from 3D to 5D. The energies of the first decade were focused upon the establishment of the fifth-dimensional foundations and the release of ‘the old’. Many Lightworkers found their mission during this period and embarked upon the quest to find one another and remember who they truly are. The changes on Earth during this time were incredible as the frequency has risen daily.
Once the December Solstice of 2022 arrived the energies changed completely and set themselves at a very high level as directed by the Intergalactic Council and the Unities of Light.
All Lightworkers were given advance warning that this would occur, but no one had the experience to understand how it would ‘feel’ as an individual and collective experience.
As we move into the month of March many souls on the ascension pathway are realising that the human nervous system is having difficulty adjusting to the consistent intensity of the energies. Earth now has one platform of energy with no ‘buffer zone’ to allow for down time. The impact this has on the nervous system can leave many feeling overwhelmed and highly stressed.
This workshop is dedicated to our human process and to the healing/calming of the nervous system so that we can embrace our mission with open arms. Both David and Tim have extensive experience with the new energies and how they are affecting our bodies. Along with the assistance of the MAP Healing Team, Archangel Raphael, and the Violet Rays they will convey their knowledge to everyone attending.
During this workshop you will
- Receive an in-depth report on the new energies and why they are affecting the human nervous system so intensely.
- Receive tips and techniques to calm and restore internal and external order.
- Work with the healing teams from the Higher Realms that have extensive knowledge of the new energies and the human process.
- Clear, balance and align yourself in a way that will allow you to meet your mission with grace and ease.
The price for this recording is £12. To purchase it, please complete the form below.
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